Lincoln County Nevada Hunting Season

Lincoln County Nevada Deer Hunting
One look at America’s current deer hunting scene makes you realize we’re experiencing some pretty good days right now. We are super stoked for the 2019 Lincoln County Nevada hunting season and would like to share a little info with those that might be looking for an experienced hunting outfitter company.
Overall Outlook: “Nevada experienced poor recruitment of fawns in the northern portion of the state for 2019, so deer numbers in Northern Nevada will be down this fall,” says Cody Schroeder, Mule Deer Staff Specialist for the Nevada Department of Wildlife.
The good news is, we received a tremendous amount of precipitation during winter and spring, so outlook for antler growth should be outstanding.
Potential Fall 2019 Hotspots: Schroeder says Lincoln County is always promising. While unfortunately deer populations and buck quality are down in northern Washoe County.
Why You Need a Professional Hunting Guide
What’s even better is that those adventures are only weeks away. You’ve been shooting your bow, right? Been scouting weekly for the best locations? You know all the best locations to find the trophy buck right?
Fact is, most hunters hunt too much and scout too little.
If you don’t live in Lincoln County, Nevada, most hunters don’t have the time to do all this pre-hunt scouting. The extensive scouting is what usually makes the big difference in the quality of the buck you bag.
Hunting is Our Life and Passion

That’s what we do, ALL YEAR LONG. We eat, sleep, and breathe hunting. The hunt is literally in our back yard and we are constantly tracking these animal’s habits and movements. We know where they eat and we know their locations. We’ll take you there.
Contact us for a rare and successful hunt with Vantage Point Outfitting in Lincoln County, Nevada. We want to make your hunting goals a reality.